"The Stupid Truth"

Watch your back with them 

The government has been screaming like a symphony for years that everyone in America is equal.  Are we really equal?  Under one nation, one law?  The truth is we're not.  If we're so equal like the government boasts, then why do applications for employment ask if you're white, african american, hispanic etc?  Why do our local papers seperate us on different types of polls that are taken?  How is it that some people here in America pay 36% in taxes and some pay nothing?  How can we as the people get over our differences when our government keeps holding us back?  This is common sense truth people.
No one in this world is perfect.  Everyone makes mistakes and hopefully we learn from them.  However, when you are an important figure in the community, a little responsibility has to be taken.  It's a dog-eat-dog world in politics.  You're either out or you're in.  There are no inbetweens.  There have been numerous presidents (and other political figures) that have knowingly and purposely screwed with the American people for their own political gain.  If the truth to that was anymore evident, it would slap you in the face.  It's pretty funny how, President Bush used 2 POWs from the Vietnam era for political gain against his advisary, John Kerry.  POWs Kenneth Cordier and Paul Galanti serve on the VA's 12 member former POW Advisory Committee.  Cordier was appointed in 2002 and Galanti was appointed in 2003.  They announced that this committee has nothing to do with the Bush campaign.  However, the Bush campaign used both Cordier and Galanti in an anti-Kerry ad saying that their Vietamese captors used news of anti-war protests, such as ones Kerry organized, to taunt the prisoners.  Cordier also was a member of a Bush campaign veterans' committee but recently quit (early Sept. 2004), after the role (he realized) they displayed of him.  Anthony Principi, (the VA secretary), had no idea about nor did he encourage the veterans' appearence in this ad.  Basically put, the Bush adminstration manipulated 2 poor POWs and the words that they spoke for their own political gain.  That's pathetic!  Don't you think that they have been through enough without having to be dragged through the mud once more from their beloved government?  It's bad enough that the Vietnam War was a bogus war to begin with.  It was a political war.  A war we could not win and had no business being there.  That, my friends, is even in text books.
How is it that the cost for medicare is hiked 17.5% in the year 2005?  Does our government realize that if they stop giving foreign aide to countries that despise us, that that would save the American people billions of dollars?  Our deficit would drop considerably.  We clean up death row and the American people would save even more money, (and if you don't like that idea, then don't kill anyone or do anything stupid and you won't be in that position).  Are any of those cantankerous baby kissers really using their heads?  Not really.  Get a regular blue collared worker in office and you'll have the best president ever in there.  Look at all of the people in congress.  Look who have been the presidents.  For the most part, all of them have come from rich families.  Most of them, their families have been in politics for years.  They have "not" walked a mile in the shoes of the general population of America.  History has a tendency to repeat itself.  Just as mother nature cleans house.  The government is laughed at as well.  If they keep up their ridiculous ways, there will be another revolution and this time it wouldn't be pretty.  This is fact, all you have to do is read your history books and you'll realize how many times our history repeats itself.  You'd think that our government would learn from the first mistakes they made.  They are as hardheaded as a pimply faced tennager.
People have said that if our forefathers saw what our governement is doing today, they would turn over in their graves.  The truth is, our forefathers were just as corrupt as they are today.  It was just different times.  Why do you think that so many black Americans have the last names Washington, Jefferson, Thompson, etc?  Because the rich white men, in politics too, raped the black women.  That is not in all cases though.  Some just didn't really have a name, so they took the last name of their slave owner.
The government is so hell bent on making new laws.  We don't need any new laws, just enforce the ones that we have. 
Why does the government always want to break up a fight that two countries are having?  We always have to play big brother and end up taking the side of one of them which in turn makes the other mad.  That's one reason why we're not well liked.  We keep putting our noses in places where they don't belong.  If two countries are fighting, then let them fight.  If one annihilates the other then it's less that we have to worry about.  However, if a country or terrorists terrorize our country, (9-11 or Pearl Harbor), then we have every right to destroy them.   
When Pearl Harbor was attacked everyone that was or looked asian were put into a camp until it was sorted out.  Why wasn't that done after 9-11?  Why?  Because again, we're too politically correct.  If you have a weed in the middle of your driveway and keep pulling it out, it's always going to grow back.  You have to take it out by the roots.  That's exactly what should have been done after 9-11. 
The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few.
Why did the government send all that food to Afganistan?  They sent those yellow packages of food.  Those people had no idea what a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich was.  They were trying to give it to their camels or just give them away in general.  No one wanted that food.  It was all waisted.  Instead of giving that food to people that didn't want it, or deserve it for that matter, it should have been given to the people of our own country that can't always have a decent meal.  When Bin Laden was a child, we were still helping out that country in one way or another.  He grew up and what happened?  He tried the bombing in 1993 and then finally succeeded on 9-11.  After the bombing in 1993 we had Bin Laden in our sights.  We waited for the go from President Clinton at the time.  What did he say?  Abort.  Where does his morals stand?  If we were able to take him out then, 9-11 would not have happened.  Thanks Bill, you moron.  So we have to continue helping them out so their kids can grow up and continue to hate us and try killing our children and our children's children?  People in those countries are bred to hate us and what we stand for.  Like it was said, you have to take the weed out by it's roots, and that's exactly what we should have done.
The government should have let us finish the Gulf War.  Granted we were to just get them out of Kuwait and that's all but we should have been allowed to take it a step further.  Saddam Hussein had been given a lot of chances to let us inspect.  He was so adament on "not" letting us do the job correctly, why?  He was starving his own people, torturing them and killing them.  It's a proven fact that his children were absolute monsters, killing people for their own enjoyment.  They deserved to die.  We as a world do "not" need people like that.  Those are the kind of people that breed hate, bigotry and death.  It's a good thing that we finally caught Saddam.  He should be tortured in a slow manner.  All the government has to do now is get Bin Laden.
Why is President Bush spending so much money to the aid of Afganistan, ($87 billion to Iraq)?  Especially with our deficit the way it is, so many people that are going hungry and we've heard of all the types of lay-offs with our jobs going overseas.  They did what they did to us, now they deserve to burn.  We all saw on the news right after it happened.  They were all rejoicing in the streets.  Now we have to help them?  Where are the morals of our peers?  Who cares if it has something to do with trade or because it's just the right thing to do.  Those people have hated us for eons and always will.  Again, they're just like any other country.  They'll use us to get what they want, mark those words.  Let them fend for themselves.  Maybe next time they'll think twice about terrorizing someone else.
Our government is always trying to throw democracy in the faces of other countries.  That's another reason we're not liked.  How would you like it if someone came to your house and all they ever did was throw their way of life in your face?  Pretty arrogant huh?  Well that's what our government sounds like.  Granted, there are a lot of people that wish they "were" American, but there are also a lot that are thankful they're "not". 
Everone in politics, from the small dogs to the big boys in office, are corrupt.  It's all about the money and what "they" can benefit from.  Not what the people can benefit from.  They seem to forget who they are working for, US.  We elected these imbeciles into office hoping that they would do a good job and take care of us.  Have they?  Have they really?  We need to realize that if we do "not" think that they are or have done a good job, we can impeach them and get someone in there to do it the right way.  You just need enough of the same voice.  That is what voting is all about.  It's very important to vote. 
The government talks about having equal rights for everyone.  They talk a mean talk but they don't walk very much do they?  There are so many organizations for the so called minorities but hardly anything for the common white man.  What "is" out there, conveniently tells you, "You make just a tad bit over the bracket for any help", but you still don't make enough to survive.  So you're screwed.  It's always like that.  The truth is, if you're black, a woman or any other politically correct minority and are trailed by a litter of kids, you basically get what you want.  Who do you think pays for all of that?  It's not the government.  It's our tax dollars that pay for it.  So you mean to tell us that we have to pay into these programs but when we need to use them, "We make just a tad over your bracket for any help?"  If that's the case, if we can't use them, we shouldn't have to pay into them.  Why should we pay so some slacker can benefit from "our" hard work?
Why does the government, local or national, make a law that someone can't smoke.  It's that way in California.  It's ok for gay couples to kiss and do this and that and the other, but you can't fire up a Marlboro?  Same thing at one of the largest family fun parks in the nation.  There is a day called Gay Day.  A lot of gays go there.  While standing in line, they drop their drawers and pictures are taken.  Do we really want our children around that? 
Why does the government let our corporations pick up and go to another country?  So the company can save money on wages, parts, labor etc?  You're screwing your own country.  Screwing it right into poverty.  Everyone likes to think and live for the moment.  Yet no one likes to think of the big picture, what will happen in the long run.  Like what was talked about earlier, again, they're giving to other countries instead of their own.  This country is constantly getting screwed in one way or another.  We as Americans need to take back what is ours.  We "can" be a self-sustaining country, but never will with all of the greed around us.
Everyone knows the capability that our military aircraft has.  Our Homeland Security is trying to figure out a way that they can put that same technology into civilian aircraft, (minus the weapons), so the civilian aircraft will be able to detect missiles, etc.  It was said that the cost to do this to one aircraft will be around 1 million dollars.  Why didn't we spend that $87 billion on "our" aircraft versus giving it to a nation that despises us?  Why don't we spend our money on "that" instead of on other countries?  If you can't take care of yourself, how can you take care of anyone else?  That's the mentality that we need to have.  Let's take care of us "first", then worry about other people.

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