"The Stupid Truth"

Is it too commercialized? 

The subject of religion is a very touchy subject for everyone.  Everyone has their own beliefs which is a good thing. We as humans have the God given gift of choice.  The choice is ours to do and say what we like.  We just have to live with the consequences good or bad. 
It's hard to believe in the amount of different religions out there.  It all stems from the same book...the Holy Bible.  There are some that don't believe in God, some believe that our Earth is the hell, some believe that the Holy Mary was not as pure as we think she was, some believe that Jesus Christ actually slept with Mary Magdalen.  Respect for everyone's beliefs is a good thing.  Trying to cram it down each other's throats is another, (hint hint Jehova witnesses).  Who cares if Jesus Christ slept with Mary Magdalen?  That was his business not ours if it infact actually happened.  There are those that believe that God created the Earth.  Some believe in the Big Bang theory.  What if "God" created the Big Bang?  Try to be the best person you can be, respect and help your fellow man. 
Doesn't the bible state that the mediator between you and God is Jesus Christ?  Then why should someone go to a confession booth, (common in the catholic teachings), and confess their sins to a total stranger?  A few Our Fathers and a couple of Hail Marys' and all is forgiven.  If that was the case, we could do whatever we wanted 24/7, just as long as we said them once in a while.   Especially with the amount times that we've all heard on the news and read in the papers how a priest, minister, pastor or whoever has molested another child.  Yet you're supposed to confide in them.  Does it seem right? 
All of these televangelists who claim to heal the sick are ignorant.  They are "not" healing anyone.  The people that seek the healing have so much faith in God and Jesus Christ that they are more than likely healing themselves.  It's a proven fact that we only use a portion of our brain.  The brain is a very powerful tool if used correctly, or by televangelists... manipulated.  True faith and belief do wonders.  You never know though, maybe there are cases that God and/or Jesus Christ healed them.  We will never know the true answer until our time has come.  
Baptising an infant is ridiculous.  They haven't commited any sins.  However there are those that say "Well, the child was born into sin".  Think of it this way, if God is going to hold innocent children responsible for what a couple of idiots did so many thousands of years ago, then he has issues, (no disrespect intended there).  Let the child make the decision themselves later on in life.  Again, we have the God given gift of choice, right?  There is something else out there called "Giving your child to God".  That is a good thing to do.  It's not necessarily a baptism.  Circumsizing is preposterous.  It's understood that it deals with the oneness with God.  If God wanted us to be circumcized, we'd be born that way.  The reason for the excess in skin is to protect the head of the penis from infections.  Thousands of Europeans are not circumcized and they live healthy lives.  All that has to be done is teach your son to properly clean themselves and they will be fine.  Italy is known as a very religious country, with the pope and all.  They don't circumcize.  Things that make ya go hhmm.
Religion is all too well known as being a business anymore.  It's too commercialized.  There "are" those congregations that are legit, but we've seen too many of these "men of God" driving around in Cadillac Escalades, having summer homes and having lavish vacations.  Does it make any sense Ernest Angely?
It has been proven that the Bible is "not" a fabrication of someone's mind.  It wasn't written as a novel at the time.  It makes you wonder though.  The Bible has been transcribed into so many languages, written and rewritten for so many years.  Have the churches taken things out that they don't want us to know and input things that they want us to believe?  Think about it, back in the medieval times.  The common man, the peasants, they were not allowed to know how to read.  If they wanted to know the teachings of the Lord, they had to congregate at the church.  Back then, the hierarchy wanted to keep them in line.  So they ad libbed to achieve that.  It makes one wonder.
It's been a proven fact that dinosaurs existed at one point in time.  Why doesn't the bible state as such?
It's not right to take religion out of the schools.  It's understood that there are a lot of different religions out there, but the students should be given a few moments of silence so they can privately pray in their own belief.
What religion boils down to is faith.  Nothing more, nothing less.  If you think about it, it all comes from the same book.  It's just everyone has a different perspective on it.  None is right, none is wrong.  We as humans need some type of faith in our lives.  It's what keeps us going.  But we also need to keep in mind it's a religion, a faith, a belief and to us, that means a lot.  It should not, by any means, be a money making business.  Those that thrive on making money off of religion and others' beliefs need to be slapped in the face.

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